The Amethyst Palaver Hut LLC


The Amethyst Palaver Hut's mission is to build confidence and self-awareness through the transformative experience of travel.


Our vision is to become the international collective of travel wellness services that close the wellness gap in previously ignored communities and build one another up through an exchange of ideas, culture, and connectivity worldwide.

TAPH's Values:

Honesty, Faith, Acceptance, Independence, Kindness, & Community

P.S.: What exactly is a 'Palaver Hut'??

In West African cultures, Liberian specifically, the palaver (pə-ˈla-vər) hut is a common meeting place where disputes between neighbors, families, and tribes are heard by the town’s chief or elders and are resolved. The building is a simple structure, typically made of clay or concrete, with palm-thatched roofing, with open windows to take advantage of any wind in the hot climate. When I thought of an appropriate name for this community, the Palaver Hut was a perfect fit. It is the blend of my culture as a Liberian-American and the need for an open space where we are heard and our issues are resolved.

​Be bold, be curious and be ready to tell your story - you never know who needs it.

Grace E. Simmons
