Recharged and Ready: Preparing for Fall Travel
Confidently Yours MAIN PAGE SHOP PODCAST COACHING EMPOWERED SOLO RETREAT October 2024 Sweater weather is almost here and I couldn't be more excited! First, a warm welcome to our new friends from Podcast Movement 2024. Confidently Yours is the source of updates from the Amethyst Palaver Hut LLC, where we build confidence through travel. Over the summer, I traveled to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico for the first time and it was the fulfillment of a much-needed personal retreat. Considering Dia...
3 days ago • 1 min readHow's 2024 Treating You?
Confidently Yours WEBSITE SHOP PODCAST COACHING EMPOWERED SOLO Do you have wins to celebrate or has the new year overwhelmed you too? You know what? The beautiful and crazy thing about life is you can experience both. What matters most is how you take care of yourself when it happens. Sometimes the practice of self-love is the very last task on our list (if it makes it on there at all) and when it comes to it, we settle for surface-level solutions. The best way to remain resilient during...
6 months ago • 1 min readDec 2023: Confidently Yours Quarterly Update
December 2023 Confidently Yours: Quarterly Updates from Hut Parade at the Belgium Beer Festival Welcome back to Confidently Yours! In 2016, I headed to Germany for the first time to meet my brother & cousins, so we could attend the Belgium Beer Weekend Festival. I flew over from Maryland, USA on my favorite, no longer existing airline, WOW Air. Quick side note: their aircraft were painted magenta with clever quotes on the wings. The crew was fun, the decor was cheeky, and the flights were so,...
10 months ago • 3 min readConfidently Yours! The Official Newsletter of The Amethyst Palaver Hut LLC
Confidently Yours, Unveiling Your Growth, One Journey at a Time We are official now, Reader! Welcome to my newsletter, Confidently Yours! This will be your one-stop, check-in on all the activities happening in The Amethyst Palaver Hut LLC! When I started the Amethyst Palaver Hut LLC in 2021, I wanted to create a safe space for people to learn about themselves while building up their confidence to face those barriers head-on. Here we are now in 2023 and the Amethyst Palaver Hut has transformed...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read